Holiday Request Form

Our aim at Beech Green is for our children to thrive, to achieve their best, and to want to come to school each day.  However, we realise for some children, there can be barriers to prevent them from coming to school.

We want all children to be at school every day, so that we can support them, nurture them, and to help them to learn.  We monitor all children’s attendance closely on a weekly basis.  If you know that there are obstacles preventing your child from wanting to come to school, or barriers which mean they are often late, please do talk to us.  Children start work as soon as they come in at 8.45 each morning, and so even being five or ten minutes late each day adds up over the year.

If you would like some support with your child’s attendance or punctuality, you can contact your child’s class teacher (all email addresses are available here) or you can email the Attendance Champion directly here.

Further information regarding school attendance is available on the school website here.

Please note that, following changes to regulations, schools are only permitted to authorise absences (including holidays) in exceptional circumstances. 

Removing your child from school for an extended period, could result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued.