The Key Stage 1 classes are Elder, Maple and Willow.
The children are taught in mixed age classes.
The adults in the year group are:
Mrs Wellington |
Mrs Butler |
Mx Moylan |
Mrs Mutty |
Mrs Skipp |
Mrs Gray |
Mrs Harkins |
Mrs Pearce |
Mrs Hoorga |
Mrs Howe |
The children in Key Stage 1 have PE on a Thursday and so need to come to school wearing their PE kit on that day. However, during the Autumn term, Key Stage 1 will be enjoying their Forest School sessions on Wednesdays instead of PE - please make sure that they come to school wearing long sleeves and trousers and waterproofs and wellies, thank you.
Take a look at the termly pages for more information about what the children have been learning.
Last updated 19th September 2024