Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)

The Key Stage 1 classes are Elder, Maple, Willow and Birch.

The children are taught in year groups in the mornings, and as mixed age classes in the afternoon.

The adults in the year group are:

YEAR 1/YEAR 2 - Mixed Classes
Elder Class Teacher Maple Class Teacher Willow Class Teacher Birch Class Teacher

Mrs Cherrington


Mr Greensweig


Ms Griffin


Mrs Ballinger


Year 1/Year 2 Teaching Partners
Mrs Wellington Mrs Butler Mr Baldwin
Mrs Mutty Mrs Skipp Mrs Shafiq
  Mrs Harkins  


The children in Key Stage 1 have PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday, and so need to come to school wearing their PE kit on those days.   However, during the Autumn term, Key Stage 1 will be enjoying their Forest School sessions on Wednesdays instead of PE - please make sure that they come to school wearing long sleeves and trousers and waterproofs and wellies, thank you.

Take a look at the termly pages for more information about what the children have been learning.

Last updated 6th October 2023.