Financial Support

Free School Meals

All pupils in Reception and KS1 are entitled to a 'Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM)'.  Schools meals are also available to pupils in KS2 at a current cost of £2.71 per day (£13.55 per week).  These need to be paid for using ParentPay - please ask in the school office for a user name and password.

However, pupils throughout the whole school may also be entitled to 'Free School Meals (FSM)', which is different to UIFSM.  If, as a parent/carer, you are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits (which are listed on the application form), please complete an application for FSM, via the Gloucestershire County Council portal: apply for Free School Meals online.  We would appreciate everyone who is entitled to Free School Meals to please claim it, as school receives Pupil Premium Funding, which is directed at your child, based on this entitlement.  

As way of a thank you, all new FSM claims, confirmed to us by Gloucestershire County Council, will be entitled to a free school logo sweatshirt, cardigan or polo shirt.  Once your claim is confirmed, we will be in touch to see what you would like and the size you need.  


Support During the School Holidays

Gloucestershire Local Authority run the Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme, to help out families who are experiencing financial difficulty.  This year, they have secured funding to ensure that all families who need help are able to enrol.

Families who enrol have access to a range of different activities: the library of past events can be found here.  In some cases, transport to and from the activities may be available.  Families are also given food vouchers or meal kids, to help to be able to provide a healthy meal during these difficult times. 

To find out more information, visit the Gloucestershire Holiday Activity and Food website here or download the Parents’ Guide to Free School Meals in the Useful Downloads section, or alternatively, you can register your child yourself here.

If you would like help with registering your child, you are always welcome to drop in to the Family Tree Café at the start of the school day on a Tuesday,  or email


Charging and Remissions

Beech Green Primary school believes that all our pupils should have an equal opportunity to benefit from school activities and visits (curricular and extra- curricular) independent of their parents’ financial means. The Charging and Remissions Policy in the Useful Downloads section describes how we will do our best to ensure a good range of visits and activities is offered and, at the same time, try to minimise the financial barriers which may prevent some pupils taking full advantage of the opportunities.

Times when we may charge our families include: 

  • Buying materials where a parent wishes to own or hire them;
  • Music tuition;
  • Residential trips;
  • Cooking ingredients;
  • Transport for swimming lessons (when necessary);
  • After school clubs delivered by external providers;
  • Workshops, speakers and trips to enhanve the curriculum.

However, in order to remove financial barriers from disadvantaged pupils, the Governing Body has agreed that some activities and visits where charges can legally be made will be offered at no charge or a reduced cost to families who have difficulty making a financial contribution. Pupil Premium funding can (and may) be used to support families who are in receipt of Free School Meals.  However, we may also be able to help families if more than one child in a family is going on a trip or visit, and this puts the family under financial pressure, or if a family is experiencing financial difficulty resulting from unforeseen circumstances.

Whatever your circumstances, if you need financial support to help pay for something we have arranged in school, then please do not hesitate to ask us. Please contact either Julie Poulson (Headteacher) or Amy Bancroft (School Business Manager) to discuss this.