Curriculum Overview

At Beech Green, we want our children to leave us with a wealth of knowledge about the world they live in and the people in it.  However, we recognise the importance of not overwhelming children with too much information, so we identify a small number of key facts in each subject which we want our children to remember.

We use carefully sequenced lessons, where learning is broken down into small steps, to teach our children, and make regular use of retrieval practice to help the children to recall and remember what they have learned. Weekly Retrieval Practice is also sent home every Friday so that children can continue to practise at home.

Learning for each subject is outlined on Knowledge Organisers, which you can find on each year group's page, as well as some additional information. However, each year group has a curriculum overiew, which shows what the children will learn each term.  These are all linked below.

Knowledge Organisers are sent home every term,  but if you would like to find out more about what children learn in each year group, then please contact class teachers – email addresses are all listed in our Meet the Staff section.

Parental right to withdraw children from RE

 Parents/carers have the right to choose whether to withdraw their child from RE without influence from the school, although a school should ensure parents or carers are informed of this right and are aware of the educational objectives and content of the RE syllabus. If students are withdrawn from RE, schools have a duty to supervise them, though not to provide additional teaching or to incur extra cost; suitable work relating to the child’s religious education should be provided by the parents/carers. Students will usually remain on school premises, unless the child is lawfully receiving religious education elsewhere.



Key Stage 1

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6