Summer 2024 - This term's values award is about "Respect", focussing on diversity.

Beech Green Values Award

There are many benefits to developing and promoting particular characteristics in our children. First and foremost, we want to build on the foundations that our families have laid in developing well-rounded citizens of the future. Secondly, our wish is to offer enriching opportunities which allow our pupils to develop key skills which will enable them to perform to their highest potential. 


In introducing a Values Award at Beech Green, we aim to improve our pupils' resilience, self-belief, leadership and teamwork skills. Research shows that if an individual becomes involved in regular voluntary acts under the age of 10 years old, they are more than twice as likely to form a lifelong habit of voluntary service than if they do not experience any type of community service. As a school, we want to give our children opportunities to experience enrichment activities which complement the work we already do on our school values. 


We will be giving all pupils the opportunity to work on a collaborative project each half-term, with a view to being awarded either a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum award for their efforts. The focus of the award will change each time but they will always be based on our 3 core values: Respect, Achieve and Belong. We look forward to discovering what work our children decide to do to earn their Values Award, and can't wait to share their thoughts and ideas with the school, our parents and our community. 


Belong Award 2024